Our Classes

Reception 1 and 2

Reception Class - Queensfield Schools

Pupils in these classes will be taught to:

  1. Follow simple directions
  2. Identify personal items, school staff and helpers.
  3. Show good manners
  4. Scribble to train their wrist to be flexible for writing.
  5. Make basic strokes and curves
  6. Distinguish between big and small, first and last.
  7. Become aware of position in space – up, down, under, over, near etc.
  8. Describe the 5 senses and their uses.
  9. Recite and identify the alphabet and numbers applicable to them.
  10. Associate each letter with words that begin with it.
  11. Identify and say the sound of letters.
  12. Write letters of the alphabet and numbers.
  13. Listen, imitate and reproduce stories and rhymes.
  14. Develop reading and numerical skills to work independently.
  15. Recognize basic shapes and colours.
  16. and many more...

Nursery 1 and 2

Nursery Class - Queensfield Schools

Pupils in these classes are taught to:

  1. Prepare for the primary level of education.
  2. Write numbers and letters of the alphabet.
  3. Associate words with objects and pictures.
  4.  Read based on the sounds that letters represent.
  5. Recognise sight words and use them in sentences.
  6. Make sentences with given words.
  7. Identify and use some parts of speech in sentences
  8. Read sentences and age appropriate story books.
  9. Learn about cultures
  10. Listen to music and explore the instruments used to make music.
  11. Have basic knowledge of computing.
  12. Learn to greet and identify objects in French.
  13. Work out simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division sums.
  14. Know natural resources.
  15. and many more…

Primary 1 to 6

Primary - Queensfield Schools

Pupils in these classes are taught to:

  1. Prepare for the junior secondary level of education.
  2. Learn basic language skills, mathematical skills and scientific concepts.
  3. Learn cooperation and interaction among peers.
  4. Compete in sports and the arts.
  5. Excel in the creative Arts, Fine Arts, Music, French and Sports.
  6. Develop the child’s mind to think and reason better.
  7. Learn social skills such as sharing and collaboration.
  8. Develop emotional skills such as learning to deal with the emotion of anger, through play activities.
  9. Recall, calculate, discuss, analyze and solve problems.
  10. Prepare them to pass Cambridge Primary examination
  11. and many more…

Junior Secondary 1 to 3

Junior Secondary - Queensfield Schools

Pupils in these classes are taught to:

Senior Secondary 1 to 3

Senior Secondary - Queensfield Schools

Pupils in these classes are taught to: